Hey skinny hair people I am talking to YOU!!!
The other day I was having a cocktail with my skinny haired sister who has a bob haircut, and she says ”jen what in the world are you going to do with this hair. ” I was thinking..cut you a cute pixie...nope that was the wrong answer. She said ”no, this frizz!!’it's.always frizzy!”
Now I know, she has curly hair that is skinny..
And she puts her blow dryer on her hair with minimal product and blast her hair with blow dryer like she is in a wind tunnel. Wait, once her hair is whipped to high heavens she thinks it is dry. Nope....and the frizz comes back out because her hair is not completely dry. Psychologically it's dry, but its not really. So here is the literal truth!!! Get the truth, she is way to busy for any of that blow dry stuff....trust me my whole career has been trying to get her to do a longer blow dry. I LOST
...Lets use technology in haircare to fix this.
Truth #1 : Dry your hair twice as long with the right product and good bye frizz. When you think your hair is dry.. It's not... blow dry longer.
Truth.#2 : Get a treatment to eliminates Frizz
Need More Information?! Email me jennifer@hairsocietygr.com
This will smooth the frizz.without hurting your curl or wave!
Truth #3 : Make sure you have a hair color and haircut that supports your hair texture and personal style.
Truth #4: Try wearing it curly... Coming soon blog. Skinny hair goes curly!!!
More questions.... email jennifer@hairsocietygr.com
Re: Skinny hair blog post. Genius! Step one made a huge difference. My hair takes forever to dry anyway, so it too kind much longer with drying smaller sections at a time..even after playing pickleball in the heat tonight, not bad. Never happened that way before except when you do my hair. Thanks!